Social Responsibility
PETROSAZ is originated in Markazi province, central Iran.This region is the birthplace of Mirza Tagi Khan AmirKabir (1807-1851) the architect of modern Iran, who nearly 200 years ago with fundamental changes, pioneered and managed the necessary reforms in order to organize Iran’s industrial society. AmirKabir is the symbol of macro management to modernize and to bring about fundamental modifications in the Iranian society.On one hand Markazi province is the country’s industrial hub, and is holding the first place in the country as to variety of industries as well. Petrosaz, as the legal entity of the association of equipment manufacturers and oil, gas , petrochemical and power plants contractors as well as the most important EPC contractor in the region; and along with developing supply chain management (SCM) consisting of province industrial fabricators; is committed and determined to sustainable development and also providing job creation in the province.Petrosaz’ past activities and his the future perspective is an evidence for this claim.